API Reference
Non Profits

Non Profits

The Daffy API let's you get information about Non Profits

Get Non Profit by EIN


GET    /v1/non_profits/:ein

Path Params

einstringNon Profit EIN

Sample Response

  "ein": "261544963",
  "name": "Khan Academy",
  "website": "https://www.khanacademy.org/",
  "city": "Mountain View",
  "state": "CA",
  "public_path": "/charities/261544963-khan-academy-mountain-view-ca",
  "public_url": "https://www.daffy.org/charities/261544963-khan-academy-mountain-view-ca",
  "logo": "https://s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/production-daffy-static-content/non_profit/logos/4904275",
  "cause": {
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Education",
    "color": "#C6ADF8",
    "logo": "https://static.daffy.org/assets/default-non-profit-avatars/Default_Education.png"
  "causes": [
      "id": 1,
      "name": "Education",
      "color": "#C6ADF8",
      "logo": "https://static.daffy.org/assets/default-non-profit-avatars/Default_Education.png"

Response Reference

einstringThe EIN number of the organization
namestringThe name of the organization
websitestringThe website URL of the organization
citystringThe city where the organization is based
statestringThe state where the organization is based
public_urlstringThe public URL of the organization on Daffy
latitudenumberThe latitude coordinate of the organization
longitudenumberThe longitude coordinate of the organization
logostringThe URL of the logo of the organization
cause.idnumberThe ID of the main cause
cause.namestringThe name of the main cause
cause.colorstringThe hex color associated with the cause
cause.logostringThe URL of the cause's logo
causesarrayThe array of all causes related to this organization

Sample Request

curl "https://public.daffy.org/v1/non_profits/261544963" -H 'X-Api-Key: <YOUR KEY HERE>'

Search Non Profits


GET    /v1/non_profits?cause_id=1&query=trees

Query Params

cause_idnumberCause ID
querystringText to search

Sample Response

  "meta": {
    "count": 1440,
    "page": 1,
    "last": 72
  "items": [
      "ein": "813379802",
      "name": "Goals and Assists Foundation",
      "website": null,
      "city": "Philadelphia",
      "state": "PA",
      "public_path": "/charities/813379802-goals-and-assists-foundation-philadelphia-pa",
      "public_url": "https://www.daffy.org/charities/813379802-goals-and-assists-foundation-philadelphia-pa",
      "latitude": null,
      "longitude": null,
      "cause": {
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Education",
        "color": "#C6ADF8",
        "logo": "https://static.daffy.org/assets/default-non-profit-avatars/Default_Education.png"
      "logo": "https://static.daffy.org/assets/default-non-profit-avatars/Default_Education.png",
      "causes": [
          "id": 1,
          "name": "Education",
          "color": "#C6ADF8",
          "logo": "https://static.daffy.org/assets/default-non-profit-avatars/Default_Education.png"

Domain objects live under the items key, see pagination for more details.

Response Reference

idnumberThe ID of the organization
einstringThe EIN number of the organization
namestringThe name of the organization
websitestringThe website URL of the organization
citystringThe city where the organization is based
statestringThe state where the organization is based
public_urlstringThe public URL of the organization on Daffy
latitudenumberThe latitude coordinate of the organization
longitudenumberThe longitude coordinate of the organization
logostringThe URL of the logo of the organization
cause.idnumberThe ID of the main cause
cause.namestringThe name of the main cause
cause.colorstringThe hex color associated with the cause
cause.logostringThe URL of the cause's logo
causesarrayThe array of all causes related to this organization

Sample Request

curl "https://public.daffy.org/v1/non_profits?cause_id=1&query=assist" -H 'X-Api-Key: <YOUR KEY HERE>'